Dorking Wanderers Official Website

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Dorking Wanderers Walking Football Club.

At Meadowbank every Monday morning and Thursday afternoon members of Dorking Wanderers Walking Football Club meet to enjoy an hour of walking football. The experience and skills of the group are varied, all are welcome. These Club training sessions usually consist of 6 aside games between club members , dependant upon attendee numbers. The basic rules of walking football are: 6 players per team, maximum 3 touches of the ball, no contact between players, ball cannot go over cross bar height, no offsides, outfield players are not allowed in the goal area and obviously – no running !

The Club has grown immeasurably over the past three years and the 50 plus members vary in age from late 40’s to the over 70’s.

Aside from the training sessions, the Club compete in the Surrey FA Leagues that run from March to October every year. The Club enters teams into various age categories at the sessions which are usually run at the Xcel Centre at Walton.

The social side of the Club is growing immeasurably too! Golf days, days at the races, beer & curry evenings and of course Christmas dinner.

All are welcome – If you want more information please don’t hesitate to contact Keith Jewers (07753903627) or John Burch (079018125665)

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